Translating BuddyPress texts into your community vocabulary is back in 14.0.0

Thanks to WordPress 6.5 localization improvements, we’re happy to share with you this great news: customizing BuddyPress texts according to your community site’s purpose is possible again without any additional plugins 😅. Whether you use the default WordPress locale (en_US) or any other ones, you can override it to change all the BuddyPress texts of your choice! Below is an example of my test replacing all “group” terms with “team” ones.

We thought as we made it possible for you to customize any BuddyPress URLs since our previous major version (12.0.0), we had to bring back custom translation files locations (which sadly vanished 😭 when WordPress 4.6 was released, 8 years ago).

We even extended it so that you can also have custom translation files for BuddyPress blocks 👇

If you’re wondering what you’ll have to do to enjoy it, here’s the documentation about it.

You need to view it to believe it? Be my guest: you can beta test it (& contribute to BuddyPress beta testing 😁).

#14-0-0, #translations