A new site for BuddyPress contributors

During our 5.0.0 development cycle we’ve been working on launching a new site for BuddyPress developers so that they can get help about using the BP REST API, for 6.0.0, I’m proposing to work on launching a specific site for BuddyPress contributors to help them get involved.

Migrating BP Devel to Make.BuddyPress.org

5 weeks ago, I’ve updated #5525-buddypress to inform about the plugins and themes we need to make it happen.

NB: as I’ve noted on the ticket’s comment, we would also need to migrate the BP Devel blog’s subscriptions using the JetPack tool.

Today, I’m informing you I’ve put up a testing site to help us see how it could look, behave and I hope help us start writing a BuddyPress contributors handbook.

BuddyPress contributors handbook

I know that contributing to BuddyPress is very similar to contributing to WordPress and that Make.WordPress.org core’s handbook is a great resource we could use to explain how to report a bug, test a patch, write a patch, etc..

I believe we need more than a link to this tool, I believe we need to get inspired by it to write our very own handbook with command/code examples specific to BuddyPress. For example: we could have a page with detailed step to checkout BuddyPress trunk from SVN like this one.

I’m pretty sure this handbook would greatly help new contributors to get started.

Let’s do it!

If you tried to click on the test drive link, you’ve seen you need to log in to access to it. I think, to avoid confusions with BP Devel or the possible/future Make.BuddyPress.org sites it’s best to restrict its access.

If you want to contribute to the making of this site by testing it or by writing one or more pages of the BuddyPress contributors handbook, you just need to send me a direct message on Slack (@imath) or simply use the form below to send it to me by email. I’ll be very happy to give you an access to it with writing capabilities.

Thanks in advance for your help and interest.

#5525, #6-0-0