BuddyPress 1.2.8 only contains a few changes all…

BuddyPress 1.2.8 only contains a few changes, all of which are aimed at compatibility with the just-released WordPress 3.1. BuddyPress plugin authors will want to be aware of two small changes, however, which may affect the way that their plugins work.

  1. Admin Panels WordPress 3.1 creates a separate Network Admin panel, which replaces Multisite’s Super Admin section of the Dashboard. The BuddyPress admin panels have been moved to the Network admin, to reflect the fact that BuddyPress is a network-activated plugin. Thus, if your BP plugin creates its own admin panel as a submenu of the main BuddyPress panel, you’ll need to make sure that you hook add_submenu_page() in the correct way. ‘admin_menu’ is still the correct hook for non-multisite installations; ‘network_admin_menu’ is the correct hook for multisite. Here is how BuddyPress manages the conditional; you may want to emulate it in your own plugin. (Side note: in order to maintain backward-compatibility with WordPress 3.0.x multisite dashboards, where no ‘network_admin_menu’ hook exists, BuddyPress 1.2.8 creates its own hook.)
  2. The BuddyBar and the WP Admin Bar Additional logic has been added to the BuddyBar loader (bp_core_load_admin_bar()) to account for the introduction of a similar admin bar in WP 3.1. (There are plans to integrate the core version BuddyBar into the WP admin bar in the future, but for now you have to choose.) By default, the BuddyBar is shown. Site admins can disable the BuddyBar in favor of the WP admin bar by defining define( 'BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR', true ); in wp-config.php. BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR continues to disable the BP admin bar. If your plugin or your site has made modifications to the way that the BuddyBar loads, you might want to verify compatibility with BP 1.2.8.

(edited to correct the behavior of BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR – 2-25-11)