BP Dev-Chat summary: February 13, 2023

11.1.0 maintenance release

We mainly discussed about this ticket #8821. In short, if a string containing placeholders has not been updated by a translator of the Polyglots team, it can result in a fatal error when using the sprintf() function. @dcavins and I think it’s a WordPress issue, but WordPress core team don’t, see #55776. As it was too heavy to address this issue in a maintenance release, we’ve decided to use a workaround for 11.1.0 trying to alert translation contributors they need to remove one of the placeholders for specific strings using gettext comments. We’ll try to find a nicer way to avoid these kind of fatals during the 12.0 development cycle, see #8836.

11.1.0 was released on February 16. Many thanks to contributors who shared their time with us to make it happen.

12.0.0: required documentation effort about migrating to using the WP Rewrite API.

@im4th believes most of the work will consist in documenting the changes about the way to extend BuddyPress. A place of choice for this documentation is the developer.buddypress.org site.

@dcavins thinks so too and started talking about the Code Reference part of this website. We haven’t progressed much into this area & @im4th thinks we do need to use composer on the server to benefit from the WP Parser tool. Tests he made about WP export/import tool wasn’t conclusive due to missing relationships between post types. It doesn’t mean we’re giving up, it simply needs some available time.

@im4th’s idea is to create first chapters of a BP Plugin Handbook as it’s very easy to do so on the current developer documentation site. We’ll try this way once most of the BP Rewrites API will have been merged into Core.

About this subject, progress can be followed from this ticket #4954. @im4th will make small steps using pull requests. Once the function to build links using BP Rewrites is available in Core, @dcavins will be able to give him a hand on reviewing all existing BP links so that they are built using this new function.

@dcavins will take in charge #8794 💪

12.0.0 schedule

  • 12.0.0-beta1 : April 15,
  • 12.0.0 : May 31.

BP Attachments: beta and first stable version schedule

@dcavins tested the plugin and found some issues. The biggest one was with regular WordPress themes. As @im4th only tested it with Block themes he hadn’t figured it out so far.

@dcavins & @im4th then discussed about how site owners need to set the private uploads directory. @im4th is convinced the best way to do it is to put it one level upper the site’s directory: a bit like what you can do to secure your wp-config.php file. Doing so requires a bit more work to make sure the directory is writable for the server’s user, but this feedback from a betatester is very interesting as it seems not too difficult to understand thanks to the admin notices in place.

As @dcavins noted, we’ll need to document the private uploads directory creation process.

BP Attachments 1.0.0 schedule

  • 1.0.0-beta: right now!
  • WP.org plugin submission: early March.
  • 1.0.0 release: March 25.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on February 27 at 21:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments.

#11-0-0, #12-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary