BP Dev-Chat summary: January 6, 2021

BuddyPress 8.0.0’s kick off

Unfortunately, the meeting started 30 mins later than scheduled, so we were not able to talk about all the scheduled points. @johnjamesjacoby congratulated the great work the team has accomplished during the 7.0 development cycle and the recent updates we’ve published on the BuddyPress.org’s blog.

Features / bug fixes wishlist

The call for tickets is now closed (it ended on January 13), the least we can say is it didn’t gather much wishes 😬. @im4th seems to be motivated to progress on the BP Attachments’ front, 8.0.0 might be a good milestone to have some user media feature included into BuddyPress core.

@slaffik shared his concerns about introducing the Activity scheduling feature (#7953). He thinks it should be handled by a BuddyPress plugin rather than be included into Core.

He and @im4th agreed on the fact we should deprecate the BuddyBar into this development cycle (#7729). @rayisme ‘s patch was very close to make it during the 6.0.0 release, let’s have it done!

We then talked about continuous integration and build tools. The Travis CI (.org) shutting down announcement with no specific date is concerning. @im4th has tested the Travis CI (.com) migration with 2 of his free and open source plugins and is now requested to pay for the service after a bunch of builds done. The documentation about the migration seems to be a bit misleading about this subject. @slaffik is going to work on moving to GitHub Actions (#8421) 😍 . He also opened a ticket to modernize our composer.json file (#8420). He and @im4th are thinking we should start working on WP Code Standards (#7228).

Next Dev-Chat

Let’s carry on talking about 8.0.0 during our next dev-chat: it will happen on January 20 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary